Emergency Vet Springdale | Preventing Heartworm Disease
Heartworm disease can end up with an animal visiting the emergency vet in Springdale. Though it is one of the most preventable diseases. It is also on the increase across America. With 21% more infections than last year.
One of the reasons why. Heartworm disease is on the rise, is lack of education. Even though there are more pets in America. Then ever before, many pet owners. Are not visiting their veterinarian on a regular basis.
Thinking that they will simply go to the emergency vet in Springdale. If the pet ever gets sick. And give them treatment. Instead of going every year to their regular veterinarian. And getting a checkup.
As well as preventative medication and vaccinations. The biggest problem with this. Is that many of the preventable illnesses. Can have devastating effects on the animal. Causing them to suffer. Or die before treatment is given.
This is especially true with heartworm disease. As it is a disease that typically has few symptoms. And the symptoms that the animals do get, if any. May appear to the pet owner as not life-threatening.
Such as the animal acting lethargic. Or, the animal developing a cough. Pet owners may think that there animal is just mildly sick. And do not realize, that they may have heartworm disease.
However, many pet owners who rush there animal to the emergency vet in Springdale. Eventually find that there animal has heartworm disease. Not even knowing what it is. It is a parasite.
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That just like the name suggests, causes a worm to become lodged. In the animals heart. While many pets can develop any number of parasites, such as roundworm. As well as hook worm, heartworm is the most serious.
While one heartworm is not going to cause the animal much distress. The problem with that is. The animal will continue to reproduce. While living in the animals heart. And over time, dozens and even hundreds.
Of heartworm’s can be lodged in the animals heart. Impeding the heart’s ability to pump blood. And while both cats and dogs can get this disease. Cats who get heartworm disease.
Often end up passing away with no symptoms at all. This is because the cat will have a much smaller heart than the dog. And it will take fewer heart worms to impact the heart’s ability to function.
Therefore, pet owners who think. They can take there animal to the veterinarian when they get sick. He not realize that their pet could die. Without any symptoms. Showing that they are sick at all.
Better scenario by far. Would be for pet owners to visit their veterinarian every year. To get an examination. And tests, to ensure that they are still healthy. And the preventative medication.
That can help them stay healthy for years. When pet owners are looking for a great veterinarian. They should check out river valley veterinary hospital. They are the experts in their field. And are passionate about what they do.
Emergency Vet Springdale | Preventing Heartworm Disease In Cats And Dogs
Heartworm disease is on the rise across America says emergency vet in Springdale. And while 21% more dogs save this diagnosis this year. Then were diagnosed last year, it is a preventable illness.
Heartworm is the name of a parasite. That is passed to cats and dogs. From the bite of an infected mosquito. While it is not contagious specifically. An infected animal can get bitten by a mosquito.
Who will then bite an uninfected animal. And transfer the microfilaria larva. Which is what the heartworm larva is called. To the second animal. Which is why all animals and one household should be protected.
But also, any animals. That go to the groomer, the kennel or doggy daycare. Pets that go to the off leash park should all be protected. Because one animal that has heartworm disease.
Even if the owners do not know it, can infect other animals. If they are bitten by a mosquito. And while many people may think that the preventative medication. Is quite expensive, nothing could actually be further from the truth.
Pet owners can get protective medicine. From their regular, or emergency vet in Springdale. Heartgard or interceptor are once a month chewable tablets. That taste like beef or pork.
And many pet owners say that there dogs. Enjoy them like treats. However, some pets may experience mild gastrointestinal symptoms. Such as vomiting or diarrhea. And if the pet refuses the treat.
Or the pet owner does not want to give their animal. Medication that will make them sick. Even if it is just once a month. Their veterinarian can give them a topical medication.
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This is perfect for picky animals. Animals that have experienced side effects. Of the chewable medication. Or cats, who are notorious for not wanting to take treats or medicine.
For these animals, their regular or emergency vet in Springdale. Can give them a topical medication. That is applied externally to the animals fur. Whichever medication they choose.
Will give them 100% protection. Which is absolutely guaranteed by the companies that manufacture the medicine. As long as pet owners are administering this medication on a once monthly basis.
The animals will never have to worry. About being infected with heartworm disease. However, if pet owners have had their animals for a while. And have not taken them to the veterinarian. They may worry.
If there pet has heartworm disease already. Their veterinarian can perform at blood test. Which only uses three drops of an animal’s blood. So even the smallest animal can have this test performed.
That will test for heartworm antibodies. As well as ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis. Which are diseases that come from ticks. If there are no antibodies present, the animal does not have the disease.
And they can start heartworm medication immediately. To prevent them from developing this serious. But very preventable illness. But if they do, pet owners can be relieved.
That they caught this disease early. And while the treatment is long and expensive. It can help make pets healthy.