Appointment Policy
To allow ample time for all patients and scheduled surgical procedures, we operate by scheduled appointment. We appreciate your understanding that occasionally some appointments may take a bit longer than others. We make a sincere attempt to see each patient on time. If there is a wait when you visit our hospital, we want to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Arrival Policy
Even though we make every effort to make our patients feel comfortable during visits, they may be a little uneasy about new people, new surroundings and other pets. All dogs must be on a leash and properly controlled while in the reception area. All cats must be presented in an appropriate cat carrier or on a leash. It is for your pet’s safety as well as the other pets in the hospital.
Please arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment time and check in with one of our front desk personnel. Any medical records or other necessary information will be collected or updated. Please provide any fecal or urine samples you collected for your pet’s appointment.
If you need help carrying an animal into the hospital, please ask a member of our team for assistance upon arrival.
Clients arriving 10 minutes past their scheduled appointment time will need to be rescheduled.
Safety Policy
If children are accompanying you during your appointment, for their safety and out of respect for our other clients, they must be supervised at all times while on our premises. Unattended children should not approach any animal they do not know that does not belong to your family.
If your pet is coughing, has diarrhea, is vomiting, or is lethargic, please notify us prior to your arrival. A member of our health care team will assist you and your pet directly to an examination room to prevent the possible spread of contagious diseases to other pets.
Financial Policy
All fees are due when services are rendered. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, debit cards, cash, and personal checks. If you are paying by check, you MUST have either a driver’s license or a state ID card. We do NOT offer payment plans through our hospital, but do offer CareCredit and Scratchpay as other payment options.
What is CareCredit?

CareCredit is a healthcare credit card designed for your health, and wellness needs. It’s a way to pay for the costs of many treatments and procedures and allows you to make convenient monthly payments. CareCredit is accepted by over 200,000 providers nationwide for LASIK and Vision Care, Cosmetic and Dermatology Procedures, Dentistry, Veterinary, Hearing Care and other specialties.
What can you use CareCredit credit card for?
Your CareCredit credit card can be used at over 200,000 locations nationwide for a variety of healthcare services including LASIK, veterinary, dentistry, cosmetic surgery, hearing care and more. Once you have CareCredit you can use it over and over (subject to credit approval) for you, your family, and even your pets – without reapplying, as long as you have available credit. To apply for Care Credit, click on the relevant image.
What is Scratchpay?
Scratchpay provides pet parents with simple friendly payment plans.
Scratchpay isn’t a credit card. Finding your payment plan will NOT affect your credit score.
We approve more pet parents, with affordable rates as low as 0% APR.
No hidden fees. No prepayment penalty. No deferred interest. No surprises.
No hidden fees. No prepayment penalty. No deferred interest. No surprises.
To apply for Scratchpay, click here: https://scratchpay.com/
Prescription Policy
All doctors, including veterinarians, cannot sell a prescription product without being familiar with their patients first. For veterinarians it is called establishing the veterinary-client-patient relationship (VCPR). Per the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), the VCPR applies to all veterinarians and to all species of animals. Therefore, we must examine and evaluate your pet prior to selling or prescribing medication.
Sometimes this evaluation requires certain lab tests to be performed. The long-term use of any drug can also have complications, for example liver or kidney disease. These conditions need to be monitored so that therapies can be modified as needed. By establishing a working relationship with us, we are partnering with you to ensure the best health and welfare of your pet.
Please do not wait until the last minute to call for your refill, as we may not be able to accommodate your request as quickly as your pet needs. Please allow at least 24-48 hours for all refill requests. However, it is best to call at least 7 days in advance of your pet’s medication running out. Some prescriptions are not kept in stock or are special order medications that require additional time for delivery.
Rabies Vaccine Policy
Pennsylvania law requires that your dog and cat be vaccinated against Rabies after 12 weeks of age, and that the vaccine stays current for the duration of the pet’s life. We do follow this law and, permitting that your pet is healthy, will require your pet to be up-to-date, or be brought up-to-date on the Rabies Vaccine while visiting our hospital.