Veterinarian Fox Chapel | Nail Care For Pets

Veterinarian Fox Chapel | Nail Care For Pets

There are many aspects of pet care that pet parents love, says veterinarian Fox Chapel owner, Dr. Richard Linkenheimer. Pet parents love walking and exercising their pet, cuddling with them, enjoying play time and relaxing. There is something deeply calming and soothing, just sitting and snuggling with a warm, fuzzy and loving pet. The unconditional love is amazing, and every pet parent knows that they have unconditional love, which actually has real health benefits.

However, there are parts of pet ownership that aren’t so fun, like picking poop and cleaning a litterbox. And while some pet parents love grooming their pet, lavishing the attention on them that they deserve. Many pets aren’t a fan of getting shampooed, or getting their nails trimmed. However, veterinarian Fox Chapel recommends that pet parents learn how to cut the nails of their cats and dogs, since it’s so important to their well being.

How often pet parents should clip their pets nails depends a lot on the animal. For example, cats should get their nails trimmed every two weeks on average. Your cat groomer as well as veterinarian Fox Chapel will be more than happy to teach pet parents, and offer advice on what type of clippers to use. Cat parents should never declaw cats, as it leads to ongoing complications and pain for the pet. As well, cats without claws feel defenseless, and as a result can compensate by becoming aggressive.

Cats Nails Are Sharp

It’s far better to learn how to trim cat’s nails, and stay on top of it. Veterinarian Fox Chapel also recommends giving your cat places to scratch, and perhaps using nail covers. There are some great tips for cat parents learning how to trim their cats nails. First, both cat and parent need to be in a good mood. Otherwise, the cat will become stressed, and nail trimming will be difficult or impossible. Also, cat parents should never trim their nails while in a hurry. Rushing can lead to cutting the nail too deep and cutting the quick, which leads to bleeding.

However, always have a styptic stick or powder on hand to help stop the bleeding if it does happen by accident. These items can be found at your veterinarian Fox Chapel clinic, but cornstarch works in a pinch too. Give generous praise often, while cats don’t seem to respond to praise the way dogs do, they love hearing kind words in a loving voice from their parent. And finally, do not try to trim all your cats nails at once. Do a few every couple of days, and it will soon be no big deal to both you and your cat.

Veterinarian Fox Chapel | Cats And Dogs Nails Are Different

When it comes to cutting your dog’s nails, a lot of the same advice applies. However, dogs nails may not need trims as regular as cats. Dogs that are especially active, or spend a lot of time outdoors can actually wear their nails down through their activity. While less active dogs need more regular trims, the key according to veterinarian Fox Chapel is to handle their paws regularly to check on the length of their nails, or when you start to hear their nails on the floor when they’re walking on hardwood or linoleum.

Once you notice your dog’s nails have extended past their paw pads, a trim needs to happen. Without a trim, dogs can become painful for the dog to walk on, and long nails get caught in carpeting and blankets. This can lead to more pain, which is just not necessary for your dog. However, many pet parents are nervous to cut their dog’s nails, because many dogs, unlike cats have opaque nails – they aren’t see through. And pet parents are afraid they will cut too much, and cut the nail bed, also known as the quick.

Long Nails Can Hurt Dogs To Walk On

Pet parents can talk to their veterinarian Fox Chapel at River Valley Veterinary Hospital about how to can avoid cutting the quick, also known as the nail bed, since it extends partway down the length of the nail. From looking on the underside of the nail, where the quick is more visible, even on black or dark brown nails. But just getting into the habit of cutting a small amount, and cutting often can help pet parents learn where the quick is, and how to avoid it. The goal is to just cut enough nail off that it won’t touch the floor when the pet is walking.

Get advice from the staff at River Valley Veterinary Hospital about getting the right kind of nail clippers. And ensuring that the pet and the parent are both calm and in good moods will make for a smooth process. Go slow, and confidently, praising your dog often, don’t worry about trying to get all their nails at one time. If you can get a few nails every couple of days, it will help your confidence and your dog’s confidence in you. Finish off with a reward, so that they can learn that nail trimming has good parts.

However, some of the most important advice from veterinarian Fox Chapel, is that no matter what, if you are too nervous to try to clip your cat or dog’s nails, get a professional!

There are groomers to choose from, who are more than happy to do nail care for pets, as well as the great staff at River Valley Veterinarian Hospital. Since your pet will be in for an exam, a quick trim can be done quickly. No matter how you choose, keeping your pet’s nails trimmed will keep them happy, and ready for more snuggles from you!

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