Why Fox Chapel's Leading Vet Clinic is Going Viral!

Why Fox Chapel’s Leading Vet Clinic is Going Viral!

Have you ever wondered what makes a vet clinic more than just a place to get shots for your furry friends? Hi, this is Dr. Richard Linkenheimer with River Valley Veterinary Hospital in Fox Chapel! Let’s dive into the story of our clinic and discover why it’s all the rage in town! This leading vet clinic in Fox Chapel isn’t just a clinic; it’s a haven for pets and a testament to what modern veterinary care can achieve. Here, we’re not just treating pets; we’re nurturing a community of healthy, happy animals and their owners.

Why Choose Fox Chapel’s Leading Vet Clinic?

Why do pet owners across the region swear by our clinic, and what sets us apart? First, our state-of-the-art medical equipment and second, our comprehensive range of services. From wellness check-ups to emergency interventions, we’ve got it all covered. Imagine a place where your pet can receive everything from routine vaccinations to advanced surgical procedures, all under one roof. This is what sets the Leading Vet Clinic in Fox Chapel apart.

The Team Behind the Success

At the heart of our clinic’s success is a team of passionate veterinarians and a supportive staff who treat every pet with kindness and consideration. Whether that’s sitting on the floor to meet a nervous dog, to giving treats and cuddles to animals in the waiting room. Meet the heroes of pet care – a team of highly skilled veterinarians backed by an incredibly dedicated support staff.

Each member brings their unique expertise and passion for animals, creating a harmonious environment where pets are treated with the utmost care and compassion. In fact, most of them are pet lovers who have their very own furry family, and treat the pets in our clinic as if they were their very own. Their dedication and expertise are unmatched.

Services Offered

Whether it’s a routine check-up, an urgent care need, or a specialized treatment, our leading vet clinic in Fox Chapel offers a full spectrum of services to keep your pets healthy and happy. The service spectrum at our clinic is impressive. Need a regular check-up or vaccination? We’ve got you covered. Facing an unexpected pet emergency? Our emergency services are in-house and top-notch. Looking for specialized treatments like orthopedic surgery or dental care? We excel here too!

Our lists of services include:

  • Vaccinations to protect your pet from life threatening illnesses with a schedule specific to you and your pet.
  • Microchipping
  • Emergencies – don’t hesitate to call if you have an emergency 724-274-5575
  • Dental Care:
    – Preventative Care
    – Dental Cleanings
    – Extractions
  • Diagnostics
    – X-Rays
    – Contrast Studies
    – Bladder Ultrasonography
    – Doppler Blood Pressure
    – Histopathology
    – Bloodwork (Chemistry, Electrolytes, Heartworm Disease Testing, Lyme Disease Testing, Thyroid Testing, Renal Function Testing, CBC, FLV / FIV, Fructosamine, Parvo, Pancreatic Lipase, Phenobarbital Level and Leptospirosis)
    – Urinalysis (Creatine Level, Urine Protein, Fecal Centrifugation, Float & Giardia and Fine Needle Aspirate / Cytology)
    – Ophthalmic
  • Surgeries
    – Spay and Neuter
    – Mass Removal
    – Biopsy Service
    – Wound Reconstruction
    – Bladder Stone Removal
    – Neonatal Docking / Declaws
    – Cystotomy
    – Urethrostomy
    – Entropion / Ectropion Correction
    – Soft Palate Resectioning / Stenotic nares reconstruction
    – Gastrointestinal foreign body removal / resection / anastomosis
  • Pharmacy – so you can leave our veterinary hospital with the medications you need so that your pet can start treatment right away. Order refills online or in person for your convenience.
  • Abdominal Ultrasound and Echocardiography – by appointment only
  • Veterinary Technician Services
    – Nail Trimming
    – Ear Cleaning
    – Vaccine Boosters
    – Blood Draws
    – Anal Gland Expression
  • Meet and Greet Visits

Client Testimonials

We love pets! But don’t just take our word for it. Hear heartwarming stories from satisfied pet owners who have experienced the clinic’s exceptional care first-hand!

Innovative Veterinary Practices

Staying ahead of the curve, we at River Valley Veterinary Hospital employ the latest veterinary techniques and treatments, ensuring the best possible care for your pets. Embracing innovation, we stay at the forefront of veterinary science. From minimally invasive surgeries to the latest in diagnostic imaging, we ensure your pets receive the best possible care with the least discomfort.

The Importance of Regular Vet Visits

Regular vet visits are crucial for your pet’s health. Regular check-ups are crucial for maintaining pet health, catching issues early, and ensuring pets live longer, happier lives. We make these visits as stress-free and enjoyable as possible for both pets and owners. We emphasize the importance of preventive care and early detection of potential health issues. For example, during a routine exam, I might detect early signs of dental disease, which is common in both dogs and cats and can lead to more severe health problems if left untreated.

Regular visits also allow us to monitor a pet’s weight, helping to prevent obesity, which can lead to diabetes and joint problems. Regular visits also allow us to see how the pet is aging from one visit to the next, and if supplements like glucosamine can be beneficial for them. Vaccinations, another critical component of these visits, are essential in protecting pets from various diseases, including rabies, distemper, and parvovirus.

Moreover, these visits are an opportunity for pet owners to ask questions and get professional advice on their pet’s diet, behavior, and overall wellbeing. In my practice, I’ve seen how regular check-ups can lead to the early diagnosis of conditions like heart murmurs or kidney disease, allowing for timely management and better outcomes. These visits are not just a cornerstone of preventive health care; they’re an investment in the longevity and quality of life of your beloved pets.

Pet Wellness and Preventive Care

Prevention is better than cure, especially when it comes to your pets. Our clinic emphasizes the importance of preventive care. We educate pet owners on maintaining your pets’ health through proper nutrition, regular exercise, and routine health checks. This proactive approach helps in early detection and treatment of potential health issues. Preventive veterinary care is paramount in ensuring the long-term health and wellbeing of our pets.

Much like in human medicine, the adage “prevention is better than cure” holds true in the realm of pet care. This proactive approach involves regular check-ups and vaccinations, which are vital in preventing diseases before they develop or become more serious. During these check-ups, we can catch early signs of health issues like dental problems, obesity, or more subtle changes that might indicate underlying diseases. Another critical aspect of preventive care is parasite control, protecting pets from fleas, ticks, and heartworms that can cause significant health problems.

Nutritional counseling also plays a crucial role, as a balanced diet is essential for maintaining optimal health. Furthermore, spaying and neutering not only help control the pet population but also prevent various diseases, including some cancers. Regular exercise and mental stimulation are equally important in maintaining a pet’s physical and mental health. By embracing these preventive measures, you can significantly enhance your pets’ quality of life and potentially extend their lifespan, ensuring years of companionship and joy.

Our Clinic’s Unique Approach to Pet Care

What really makes our clinic stand out is their personalized and compassionate approach to each pet’s wellbeing. We understand that each pet is unique and tailor their care accordingly. This bespoke treatment, combined with a warm, compassionate touch, makes each visit a reassuring experience for pets and owners alike. Whether it’s a customized vaccination schedule, taking your pet’s lifestyle into consideration, a custom diet and exercise plan, or specialized care based on your pets’ individual health condition, we ensure every pet is treated individually.

The Future of Veterinary Care in Fox Chapel

Looking ahead, we are poised to introduce more innovations and expand its services, further cementing our status as a leader in veterinary care. We are committed to expanding our services and integrating more technological advancements as they become available. Plans are underway to introduce new treatment modalities and expand their facilities to accommodate the growing needs of the Fox Chapel pet community.

Why the Clinic is Going Viral

So, why is everyone talking about the River Valley Veterinary Hospital being the leading vet clinic in Fox Chapel? It’s our exceptional services, community involvement, and the heartfelt care we provide. Our approach is setting new standards in veterinary care and creating a ripple effect throughout the community.

In conclusion, the leading vet clinic in Fox Chapel: River Valley Veterinary Hospital is more than just a vet clinic; it’s a community cornerstone that offers unparalleled care for pets and their owners. Call today to schedule a meet and greet with your pet, or make an appointment for a check up with me, Dr. Richard Linkenheimer or any of our wonderful veterinarians or veterinary technicians! We can’t wait to meet you and your pets!


What makes River Valley Veterinary Hospital the leading vet clinic in Fox Chapel different from other clinics?

It’s our blend of advanced medical care, personalized treatment, and community involvement.

Do they offer emergency veterinary services?

Yes, we provide comprehensive emergency care alongside routine check-ups and specialized treatments.

Can I get educational resources for my pet at this clinic?

Absolutely! We offer a variety of resources both on and off-line. Whatever issue your cat or dog is facing, we ensure that all pet owners have all the resources they need to feel confident when they leave our hospital.

Why should I choose this clinic for my pet’s veterinary needs?

Our state-of-the-art facilities, experienced team, and compassionate approach to pet care make us the go-to choice for pet owners in Fox Chapel, Oakmont and Springdale.